Teacher Poll

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Collaborative Activities

Submitted by C. Chappell

Collaborative Activities:
I do a lot of group collaboration in my classroom simply because of the amount of content and time frame I have to teach it it’s nearly impossible to cover everything by myself. I like using expert group and home groups, especially when I get to the cold war and I have to run through all of the major incidents. The purpose of my cold war lesson is to have the students work within two group areas. They begin in a home group in which they are responsible for three events, (Cuban Missile Crisis, Korean War, Vietnam War) then they break off into different groups with a graphic organizer and in these groups they have to dissect just one topic. (each ‘home group member will be responsible for a different event) they will then gather their information and then return to their home group and teach their specialty even to the rest of the group members in their home group.
I’m always surprised by the reactions I get by each different set of students that does this activity some like it but mostly the movement irritates them because they prefer to be lazy…. Just kidding, but it keeps them moving and involved and it gives responsibilities to each group member without establishing a group hierarchy which I try very hard to prevent when working having my students working in groups.

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