Teacher Poll

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Discussion Web

Submitted by C Chappell

Discussion Web
I loooooove Discussion webs, before I came to liberty county I taught 7th graders and getting them to have an original thought was impossible and now that work with high school age kids, they have very well formed opinions, and I enjoy having these class discussions, but as I’ve learned over the years these conversations/debates in class can get off topic and can come to a standstill if they aren’t well thought out before hand. So I use the discussion web, or my version of the discussion web. I have students who would otherwise not participate in the discussion at least taking notes on what is being said, and sifting through the info to find out what they feel is important and then making their own conclusion at the bottom of the web which is something they may otherwise not share orally.
This is something I like to use prior to an actual class debate, like when I present them with the info and they pick it apart on their own and sometimes I’ll just find a hot button issue and they will fill it out as we go along. My more vocal students can shine, and my more thoughtful and introverted students usually fill (if not overfill) their boxes marked “conclusions:

1 comment:

  1. I really interested in how you set up your discussion webs. I think it is one of the best ways to help students learn the art of debate using relevant supporting arguments. Do you assign groups or do you have the students finds groups based on their viewpoints on the issue?
